The GORSE Academies Trust – Privacy Notice
Who are we?
We are The GORSE Academies Trust. When dealing with personal data we are called a Data
Controller because we determine how and why personal data is processed.
What is a Privacy Notice?
The Privacy Notice tells you what we use your personal data for and what your rights are in
relation to it.
Are we allowed to collect and process personal data?
Yes. In most instances we are legally obliged to collect and process personal data. Where this
is not the case we will obtain your consent before we collect and process the information.
Who is responsible for the personal data which we collect and process?
This is our Data Privacy Manager. They are responsible for overseeing all data protection
policies and procedures and for ensuring that we are compliant with the General Data
Protection Regulation. The Data Privacy Manager’s contact details are at the end of this Privacy
Who do we obtain personal data from?
The personal data which we process is obtained from prospective, current and former; pupils
and their families, staff, governors, directors, suppliers and other individuals and organisations
with whom we have dealings (e.g. local education authorities, schools, the Department for
Education and the National Health Service).
What personal data do we collect and process?
The personal data which we collect and process includes: names, postal addresses, email
addresses, telephone numbers, health and education related records, safeguarding data,
attendance data, behaviour data, employment data, references, images, audio and video
recordings. We also process special category personal data which includes; health, ethnicity,
religion and biometric data. We do so in accordance with the legislation or by explicit consent.
How do we use the personal data which we collect and process?
We use the personal data which we collect and process; in the pupil admissions process
(including admission appeals), in the provision of education, in providing references, for the
safeguarding of pupils, to support pupil learning, to monitor and report on pupil progress, to
provide appropriate pastoral care, to assess the quality of our services, and to enable us and
our organisations to carry out all of their functions.
Who do we share personal data with?
We share personal data with, amongst others; local authorities, examination boards, the
Department for Education, professional advisers, NHS, HMRC and DWP. We will not share any
information about you with a third party without lawful basis for doing so.
How long do we retain personal data for?
The Trust has a Data Retention Policy which explains how long different types of personal data
are kept for. We only process and retain personal data for legitimate and lawful reasons, and we
do not retain personal data for longer than is necessary.
What rights do you have over your personal data?
Under the GDPR you have the following rights:
1. The right to be informed: the right to be informed about how we process your personal
data. This is what the Privacy Notice does.
2. The right of access: the right to request access to your personal data that we hold and be
provided with a copy of it.
3. The right to rectification: the right to request that your personal data is amended if
inaccurate or incomplete.
4. The right to erasure: the right to request that your personal data is erased if there is no
compelling reason for its continued processing.
5. The right to restrict processing: the right to request that the processing of your personal
data is restricted.
6. The right to data portability: the right to obtain your own data that you have provided to us
and reuse for your own purposes, or the right to request that we transmit this data to another
7. The right to object: the right to object to your personal data being processed.
8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling: the right to not have
decisions made about you as an individual that are solely automated.
Contact Details
If you have any questions or concerns about the way in which your personal data is processed
by us, or require copies of any of the documents on our websites, please contact:
The Data Privacy Manager
The GORSE Academies Trust
C/O John Smeaton Academy
Smeaton Approach
Barwick Road
LS15 8TA
[email protected]
If you have concerns which we are unable to resolve you have the right to lodge a complaint
with the Information Commissioner’s Office:
The Information Commissioners Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
SK9 5A